Sample result:
This page offers the long and more accurate version of the test, with 42 questions. If you want more speed, use the quick version of the test, with 21 questions, available here.
Read each statement and choose the answer which indicates how much the statement applied to you over the past week. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement.
Free Stress, Anxiety and Depression Test
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the program STOP ANXIETY
Over 90% of people suffer from anxiety and depression. Behind suffering is usually the emotion called “fear”.
Fear of other people’s opinions, fear of interacting romantically with guys and gals, fear of being judged, and fear of making mistakes are the most common emotions in our culture. In addition to these fears, women, in particular, live with fear of their partner, fear of their mother-in-law’s mouth, fear of the future.
These problems that destroy you and your family can last for years. Years of fear, terror, paranoia, lack of confidence, pessimism.
If you suffer from one of the fears above (or know someone who does) and want to say stop to fear, then get the app and start your journey of freedom from suffering.
We wish you much success!